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Health Talk Live: Children and Mental Health Concerns

Health Talk Live: Children and Mental Health Concerns
July 14, 2021

Fallout of the isolation associated with the pandemic has led to an increase of mental health concerns for younger children. In this segment of TriHealth’s Health Talk Live, Local 12’s Liz Bonis speaks with Jill Huynh from Beech Acres Parenting Center. Beech Acres collaborates with TriHealth Pediatrics on Parent Connext, a unique program with funding from bi3, where local families can be paired with a parent specialist to help them navigate parental challenges such as childhood behavior issues, big emotions, anxiety and other concerns. 

Jill talks about the increase in mental health concerns, especially for children ages zero through eight, and explains some of the symptoms that could alert parents and care providers to concerns for younger children. She also talks about how the Parent Connext program collaborates with pediatricians to provide mental health services for children.

Have a question for future segments of Health Talk Live? You can share them with Liz via her Facebook page or email.

