Bethesda North Hospital is the only American College of Surgeons verified Level III Trauma Center in Hamilton County providing immediate and coordinated response to all traumatic injuries. Our Trauma Team is comprised of specialty trained Trauma Nurses, ED Physicians, Trauma Surgeons, Orthopedic Surgeons, Neurosurgeons and other medical and surgical specialists. Bethesda North’s Trauma Program works collaboratively with local EMS partners to provide the patient with the highest level of care, beginning at the time of injury. In 2018, Bethesda North Hospital provided care to over 1,000 patients with traumatic injuries from falls, motor vehicle crashes, penetrating trauma or industrial accidents.
Trauma prevention and education is one of the many services we offer to the community through grant funded programs such as Hamilton County Safe Communities (HCSC). This program uses multiple strategies, including education, public awareness, and high-visibility enforcement, to improve traffic safety and to reduce and ultimately prevent motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and fatalities. HCSC promotes awareness of distracted driving, pedestrian safety, motorcycle awareness, and other specific traffic related issues through collaboration with local law enforcement, schools, media, and other community partners including Xavier University and the Cincinnati Bengals.
Our trauma program is comprised of eleven trauma surgeons ensuring swift, excellent care for all injured people, regardless of gender, race, religion or ability to pay. Bethesda North Hospital’s Trauma Program is dedicated to every aspect of trauma care from injury prevention and education to providing the highest level of integrated care and follow up for all types of traumatic injuries.
Fax 513 865 1405