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Bethesda North Hospital

Hamilton County Safe Communities

Hamilton County Safe Communities (HCSC) is a community based coalition that brings together local law enforcement agencies, engineers, area hospitals, local businesses, and media, all with a mutual interest in traffic safety. Through the Trauma Services at Bethesda North Hospital, TriHealth is the lead agency for HCSC.

HCSC uses multiple strategies, including education, public awareness, and high-visibility enforcement, to improve traffic safety and to reduce and ultimately prevent motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and fatalities.

Hamilton County Safe Communities is funded by a grant made possible by the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Ohio Department of Public Safety, and Ohio Criminal Justice Services- Traffic Safety Division. The goal is to work with community partners and law enforcement to reduce traffic related fatalities. Our program provides public awareness of seat belt usage, impaired driving, distracted driving and other ID specific traffic safety related issues. Hamilton County has one of the highest rates of traffic fatalities in Ohio.

The Hamilton County Safe Communities Coalition includes representatives from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, Hamilton County Engineer’s Office, City of Cincinnati Engineer’s Office, Hamilton County Coroner’s Office, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Children’s Hospital and Bethesda North Hospital, local law enforcement, businesses, educators and community partners. The HCSC Coalition meets quarterly at Bethesda North Hospital, 10500 Montgomery Road Cincinnati, OH 45242.

What can you do to avoid crashes and be a safer driver?

  • Don't speed! Watch the speed limit signs and leave plenty of time for your trip.
  • Don't follow too close or "tailgate". Leave at least a 3 second interval between you and the car in front of you.  Count slowly 1-1,000, 2-1,000, 3-1,000...
  • Pay attention!  Cell phones, children, food etc can take your eyes and focus off the road. 
  • Wear your seatbelt-always!  It is fast, easy, free and it works.  Even if you are just going a few miles; wear it!
  • Never drink and drive or get in the car with someone who might be impaired from alcohol, drugs or prescription medication.
  • Take time to look around before you turn onto a road or step into a crosswalk.  Look left, right and left again.

The economic cost of motor vehicle crashes in Ohio is more than 8.7 billion annually. 


  • TEEN DRIVING PROGRAM – Did you know that car crashes are the number one killer of teens each year? A free classroom and assembly based program is offered in partnership with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office. Seat belt use, distracted, and impaired driving are covered in this class.
  • MOCKTAIL – Community organizations and hospital departments create fun and interactive displays focused on creative non-alcoholic drink options. The event will be held at Northgate Mall March 16th. The event is open to the public, and free samples are available.  This event increases awareness regarding the physiological effects of alcohol and other drugs on motor vehicle safety. 
  • CINCINNATI REDS PUBLIC AWARENESS – Public awareness of Click It or Ticket and Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaigns is offered at Reds games at Great American Ball Park.
  • PEDESTRIAN SAFETY – Promote awareness and resources in pedestrian safety in schools and the community at large.  Safe Communities works with the community to identify education and awareness opportunities to reduce pedestrian fatalities.
  • BIKE NIGHT AT QUAKER STEAK & LUBE – HCSC partners with Quaker Steak and Lube Colerain to promote the Ride SMART campaign Thursdays April through October to promote motorcycle safety awareness.
  • DRIVE SOBER OR GET PULLED OVER – HCSC partners with the Hamilton County OVI Task Force to promote the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. 
  • CLICK  IT OR TICKET – HCSC partners with community organizations to promote seat belt use throughout Hamilton County. Currently, Hamilton County has a seat belt usage rate of 81%. 
  • ONE TEXT OR CALL COULD WRECK IT ALL – Join the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s “One Text or Call Could Wreck It All” campaign to stop distracted driving.  The message is distributed at local events to promote the message of “No texting while driving”.

For more information on Safe Communities or for a free presentation for your group, please contact Safe Communities Coordinator Sharon Garry at (513) 865-1738 or

What we support
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