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Breast Care

Breast Exams: Why They're Important

Self Breast Exams (SBEs)

Early detection is just another way that TriHealth is working to improve cancer survival and recovery from other breast health conditions.

To maintain breast health, familiarize yourself with how your breasts look and feel. Once you know that, you can identify when something doesn’t seem right.

Early breast cancer does not usually show symptoms – that’s why regular breast exams are important. Warning signs include:

  • Thickened tissue under your arm or in or near breasts that does not go away after your period
  • A lump or a mass that can feel as small as a pea
  • Change in your breast’s size or shape
  • Discharge (either bloody or clear) from your nipple
  • Reddened skin on the breast or nipple
  • Skin changes on the breast or nipple, such as dimpled, scaly or puckered
  • An area that looks and or feels different from the rest of your breast
  • A hardened area beneath the skin

The earlier you find a problem and get help, the better it is for your long-term health. TriHealth partners with women for life alongside their breast health journeys.

Clinical Breast Exams (CBEs)

Tell your health care provider as soon as possible about any change or new symptom you’ve noticed in your breasts, along with any family history of breast issues. Remember, most of the time such changes are NOT cancer.

Consider scheduling your CBE just before your mammogram. Ask your provider how to do a breast self-exam – and discuss the benefits and limitations. 

  • Women in their 20s and 30s: At least every 3 years, get a CBE as part of a regular health exam by your provider.
  • After age 40: Get a CBE once a year.
  • Discuss what it means if you have dense breasts with your provider and Ohio’s law related to dense breasts.


Research supports the benefits of mammograms for women in their 40s. They are an effective measure to decrease suffering and death from breast cancer. Women in good health who are candidates for treatment should continue to be screened with mammograms, generally 40 and over once per year. If you’ve had an abnormal mammogram or your risk for breast cancer is high: You may need earlier screening or added tests.

Mammography Scheduling Number
Schedule a mammogram 513 569 6777