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TriHealth Orthopedic & Sports Institute

About TriHealth Hand Surgery Specialists

We have nine experienced hand surgeons with seven locations throughout Greater Cincinnati. Using both surgical and non-surgical approaches, we treat all problems of the hand. Commonly treated conditions include:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Trigger Finger
  • Arthritis (thumb, fingers, joints)
  • Sports injuries, including tennis elbow
  • Industrial/domestic injuries

Our facilities are equipped with the most up-to-date technology available. Our knowledgeable support people make care and concern for patients their first priority. All of our offices are conveniently located in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Physician rotate between Clifton, Montgomery, West Chester, Western Ridge, Anderson Township, Mason and Northern Kentucky. In attractive, contemporary offices, we serve about 25,000 outpatient visits a year.

Our doctors have one goal for patients: to return maximum function as quickly as possible to your hand and upper extremity. Over the years, we have had thousands of successes achieving exactly that.

To make an appointment with one of our doctors, call 513 961 HAND (4263).

History of Hand Surgery

The specialty of hand surgery developed during World War II. Battle-induced injuries to bones, joints, nerves and arteries required expertise from several surgical disciplines. Yet in the press of war, the gathering of so many specialists in one place was not practical. The need for a select group of surgeons to care for all components of the arm quickly became obvious.

Enter Dr. Sterling Bunnell, a consultant to the U.S. Army who created a training program teaching interested surgeons the multiple skills required to fulfill that need. Dr. Bunnell’s program was the progenitor of the modern hand surgery specialty.

Current training for hand surgeons requires completion of a program in Orthopedic, General or Plastic Surgery, and then passing the certifying board of that specialty. Aspiring hand surgeons must next complete a yearlong Hand Surgery Fellowship in which they receive intensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of arm problems. They become certified when they pass a final exam: the Certificate of Added Qualifications in Hand Surgery.

TriHealth Orthopedic and Spine Institute-No Beacon
TOSI: 513 246 2300