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Recruitment Process is Now Closed

The recruitment process for fall admission is currently closed, we anticipated the next recruitment period to open February 2023 until March 2023.

For more questions about the School to Work Program, please contact:

Joi Lindlau
Director, School to Work Program
3219 Clifton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45220

Phone:(513) 862-6904

Applying for Admissions

The application process is currently closed, we will open the application again for the following academic year starting in February 2023.


  • Students must have a minimum of a 2.5 grade point average (preferably a 3.0)
  • Students must have 94% attendance with no suspensions
  • Student must be enrolled in Cincinnati Public Schools and attend one of the following High Schools:
    • Hughes
    • Riverview East

Application Process

  • Complete all sections of the application
  • Complete the Portfolio Guideline Packet, which must include the following:
    • A career interest statement expressing your interest in the medical field
    • A resume
    • Three (3) references
    • Copy of work permit
    • Current report card
    • Copy of transcript
    • Attendance record
    • Copies of any awards, honors, community service, etc.


There are three (3) forms and envelopes included with the application form. Give these to individuals such as employers, clergy, professional acquaintances, work associates, health care workers, committee members, teachers and counselors. Completed forms are to be included in your portfolio. Do not give reference forms to close friends or relatives.

Note: Request that your high school counselor give an official copy of your transcript record for your portfolio.


After all components of your application and portfolio are reviewed, you will be notified in writing of either: a decision to interview or a decision to decline admission. Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis by March.

If you're accepted into the School to Work Program, you will be expected to reply with your acceptance of the position in the program within one week via email.